Monday, March 7, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

This is a little clay monk toy I got from one of my travels to China. You soak him in water, then when he has soaked up enough water, you pour hot water on his head and he pees! Isn't he fun?!

I've been really tired and busy and haven't had the time or energy to journal lately. It's time to pull my journal out and just let my stream of consciousness flow....

p.s. today's photo idea was from the hubby =)


  1. LOL! What a perfect pic to see at the end of a very long day. LOVE the peeing monk. Practical spirituality and a reminder not to take myself so seriously. Thanks, Jenn (and hubby!)

  2. Doesn't he just make you laugh? I love him. Sean and I were cracking up setting up this shot!
