The word Alchemy points me to the notion of finding beauty in the ordinary and mundane. It is how I photograph - I strive to find the extraordinary, sometimes in unlikely places. In a recent workshop, I learned that my purpose and passion is to play and explore whatever is wonderful and authentic in this life journey, as well as to encourage and inspire others to do the same. Through this blog, I invite you to come along as I play and explore in my Wonderland!
Monday, February 28, 2011
It's been a bit of a challenge keeping up with my photo blog the past few days. It's been too cold, I mostly hesitate to go out; we've been too busy at work, we haven't been out on our usual walks lately; and I've been too tired, it can really be a challenge trying to find something "good, happy or beautiful" when all I want to do is curl up under the covers on my bed. However, I know I made this commitment to myself, so I had to do whatever it takes to keep up with what I've promised. So, despite being tired and despite that it's cold outside... I took a short walk to do some banking at the nearby TD Bank, then walked along the seawall on my way home.
As I was taking photos of the bridge, I spotted this rower. Such an inspiration - out by him/herself in the cold, paddling. I was reminded of how important alone time is. Every once in a while, we need to pay attention to our self, and meet our own needs.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Artists' Vision
My Artist Group ladies, minus Amy who was snowed in, for our first Artists' Day - Vision Boarding! Thanks, ladies for an afternoon of jazzy lounge music, treats, tea and vision board fun. Can't wait for next month's Artists' Day!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
My Russian Lab Partner

At 12.30pm today, I met with Daria as my Econ lab partner for one last time - thank God! When I arrived, she was laying on one of the tables, uncomfortably trying to take a snooze until I got there. She had just finished writing an exam and had been at school since 8am. We worked on our lab (which we had already put 2.5 hours into last weekend) and finally finished after 3 hours. Poor Daria was so tired she wanted to cry... although for this shot, she managed to put on a smile for me.
Daria - you are smart, pretty, hardworking, and much, much more. Soon, we will be getting together and won't be discussing aggregate demand and supply curves, fiscal and monetary policies, and all that exciting stuff. And maybe, soon we can say that we did like Econ after all. Good luck studying my friend... just hang in there till Thursday! That's what I keep telling myself!
p.s. I hope your nap was awesome!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Feist Up Your Life!
My sister had a friend traveling to Vancouver from Manila earlier this week, so she sent a package with her for me. She said it's an early birthday present - no kidding, my birthday isn't till July! Sean went to pick it up today and when I got home from work, the package was sitting on our dining table waiting for me.
It's been a looong week... this is definitely a much appreciated fun way to end the week with. In the package was a funky dress with a little punch of feist! I love it! Thank you!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Full Speed Riley
This is Riley, a colleague's dog. He is the cutest thing, about the size of a small cat. Yes, some cats are bigger than him. He's usually in an office just a few doors down the road from mine. Whenever he visits our office, he's usually carried over then let down as soon as he gets in our door. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he tears around full speed checking everything out.
Today, he came to say hi to me, so I picked him up and took his portrait. My camera is a bit intimidating, it looks bigger than him I think! Here, he's actually shaking pretty bad from being scared of my camera. However, with some coaxing, he did sit still for me... somewhat.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Visit From A Curious Monkey!
This is Sierra Grace... whose mommy was nice enough to stop by the office for a visit today. Such a treat to be in the presence of such innocence & curiosity. In this picture, she is intrigued by how Stephen is making that clucking sound with his mouth.
The simplest things are so interesting to babies... attempt to be child-like (not childish!) - be curious, you never know what could amaze you!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Delicately Arty
This is a hand-painted Chinese snuff bottle that I got while on a cruise along China's Yangtze River in 2006. A very small bottle, similar to perfume bottles... the artist paints with an angled brush from inside the bottle. The opening on top where the brush goes through is tiny, and the cavity within the bottle in which the artist maneuvers the brush as he/she paints is very narrow.
It is quite amazing to watch the artists paint these bottles in less than an hour! They weren't being sold for much at all... at least not on par with the talent it takes to make this art piece. The price made my pocket happy... but I definitely appreciate it more than what I paid for it. It is a valued souvenir from our travels.
Next time you travel, look for great art... even among the cheap stuff. Get artistic inspiration everywhere you go!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Exploring The Secret To My Happiness
I have to be honest... more than the odd occasion, I get very dissatisfied and frustrated at work and I wonder why I am still working there. But then, there are times when I get that reminder of why I haven't left, why I do what I do. Today was one of those times.
I work for a personal growth and finance training company. Harv, the owner of the company, travels a lot and it is quite a rare occasion to have him in the office. Today, we got a visit from him and had a gathering to acknowledge staff members that have been with the company for certain milestone years as well as those that have shown excellent performance above and beyond their call of duty. I was awarded for 7 years of service, and was presented a set of Cross pen and pencil as well as a gorgeous custom journal. For those of you who know how much I love stationery, this was definitely a much appreciated gift.
We then had an Ask Harv Live opportunity where the staff got to ask him anything we wanted - on either business or personal topics. After, he led us through an exercise where we got to uncover the "secret" to our happiness - "To be happy, I need to do things that make me feel good... about me." I must say, it was a pretty neat idea.
I've been going through some personal crisis in the past few days... and this has been very instrumental in helping me get clear on what I should do - not what I need to do to feel good, but what I need to do to feel good about me. Now I know what my new journal will house - notes from my journey as I explore the path to my own happiness.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
It's An Eight Tanker Day!
I went to bed last night stressed and upset; woke up this morning right into feeling stressed and upset. By 2pm, I had to meet with my lab partner to work on our third Econ lab. As much as working on our lab isn't on my list of favourite things to do, it was far better than thinking about what's been stressing me out and upsetting me. It was a much needed distraction, a productive time that will take away future stress when it gets closer to the lab's due date... and it can't be that bad when this is the view we have as we work.
If Sean was there, he would say, "Babe, guess what?! It's an eight tanker day today!"
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Magic With Scissors
L'atelier - where magic happens, my happy place today. It is a neat place with a warm atmosphere. They even offer their clients wine. Imagine that! We all know how I get with wine, so I had a latte instead.
Since moving to Yaletown just over a year ago, I would still drive to Burnaby for haircuts and colour. In the recent weeks, I've grown more and more frustrated with my hair but couldn't find time to make the trek to Burnaby. Today, I finally decided to take a leap of faith and try someone else. Someone close - there's a ton of salons in Yaletown. However, just coz a salon is located in Yaletown and charging a premium for their services doesn't mean that they are good. I went to one a few years ago and although it was alright, it wasn't anything spectacular... and I certainly didn't think it was worth what I paid.
Today, I went online to look at some reviews and decided to try L'atelier on Mainland. When I phoned to make an appointment, the stylist I wanted was fully booked. The only one with an opening was Colette, the creative director at the salon and her rate is 50% more than that of the stylist I originally asked for. However, I must have meant to have her work on my hair because she is exactly what I was looking for. Yes, she is not cheap... but it was worth it and I love my hair. I guess it's like photography... it's not just clicking a button. It takes time, money and hardwork growing the talent in order to take a good picture. She didn't get that good without investment on her part and I can appreciate that.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Lay Me Down To Sleep
Last night, I tossed and turned but could not sleep. I woke up and went to work today, but my eyes could barely keep open on the drive home. I really would love to see some friends tonight... but our bed is calling me and it is looking very temping to jump under the covers and close my eyes for hours and hours and hours... zzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Fun With Colours
Got a Living Social deal of $20 for $40 Red Ginger Cosmetics gift card... and saw this 120 colour eyeshadow palette which was $80 but on sale for $40. Bingo! So I got the gift card and ordered the palette. It arrived yesterday and I'm excited to have some fun with it!
Play... with whatever you can get your hands on!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Your Royal Highness
When I walked out of the office at the end of another work day... I was greeted with a heart-stopping view of the surrounding trees, basking in an amazing glow from the setting sun. As I was about to drive away, I spotted an eagle sitting majestically on a branch, high up on one of the trees. As much as I was in a hurry to get to an appointment, I had to get out of the car and take this shot.
Keep your eyes open, so you will notice the beauty that may be right in front of you.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bubba's Simple Loves
It's the hubby's birthday today, and so I dedicate today's photo to him. He is mostly a simple and uncomplicated man, which in more than a few occasions have been a great counter balance for the overly passionate and emotionally charged Cancerian that I can sometimes be. In this photo are his two big, yet simple, loves - beer and hockey. Yes, I know... he isn't a Canucks fan, but he still is a true Canadian with a true love for hockey.
In celebration of Bubba Sr.'s birthday, let's find big pleasure in the simple things.
*our beta fish is Bubba Jr. =)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Hearts Day!
This Valentine's Day, instead of putting importance on the bling bling that this holiday often comes with... in true Alchemy spirit, we celebrated the simple things of love and relationship instead. Sean made me an incredible homemade meal, we enjoyed great after dinner tea... and now to cuddle in front of the fireplace watching a comedy-love story, The Accidental Husband.
Love doesn't always have to be serious and heavy... we've always enjoyed the silly side of love.
Happy Hearts Day, everyone!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Simple Pleasure
My late lunch today - pesto, tomatoes & bocconcini on baguette, salt & pepper to taste and balsamic vinegar reduction drizzle. Yum!
Being able to enjoy the simple pleasures contributes to a good life.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
No matter how many obstacles are in the way, give it your best shot. You never know when you might get a strike!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Get Out There And Do Your Thing!
Coming out of a three year hiatus from skating, this young woman was out in the Robson Square Ice Rink just doing her thing. What a breath of fresh air to watch, what an inspiration! She caught my attention (and everybody else', for that matter), so I asked for permission to photograph her.
Don't let your talent go unnoticed... get out there and let it shine!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Waiting for Spring's Magic
Walking on the seawall in this sunshine-y afternoon while taking a lunch break from burying my head in my Econ notes... it's amazing to see how dried up and seemingly dead these look, yet we know that Spring brings them back to their full glory!
No matter how neglected a talent may be, a bit of attention can bring it out of dormant-hood.
No matter how dead a dream may seem, a bit of "Spring Magic" can restore it... Keep dreaming!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Show Your True Colours!
After submitting payroll today, I took the rest of the day off so I can have extra time to study for my midterm tomorrow night. Sean has today off from work as well and when I got home, I was greeted with colourful mums! They totally brightened my day, despite knowing that I can't escape having to study! The mums were in different colours: blue, purple, yellow, orange, pink, green (yes, green - they were dyed). The colours are so vibrant.
Their message: don't be afraid to show the world who you are!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Another teapot in my collection, a Joyce Shelton Tea Party design. I love how whimsical her designs are! "Whimsy" is what my heart longs to be; but right now, my brain has to be more analytical than it wants to be and get through the rest of this dreadful Economics course. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil for what I'm trying to pursue, and is made worse by an incompetent instructor. I am counting the days until it's done... and there will be celebrating!!! Midterm exam on Thursday, wish me luck!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Freedom to Fly
On my way to my chiropractor appointment today, I noticed the view that I was driving by. Since I was early for my appointment, I decided to park and go across the street to the beach to take this shot. The birds flying above evoke a feeling of freedom... and it made me think, "soon, my Economics course will be over and I will be able to play!"
What's on your list of "things I wish I could do?"
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Foggy Burnaby
Having lived downtown for the last year, this has become a rarer view. Today, as I was leaving a meeting out in North Burnaby, I can't help pulling my car over to park and getting out in the rain to take this picture. We are truly lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.
It is easy to take for granted what we see everyday, but I hope today's photo reminds you to take some time to appreciate the beauty around you!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Chinese Red Lanterns
Almost five years ago, I walked down these corridors to my handsome groom when we wed in this beautiful classical Chinese garden. The place was so stunning, there was no need for any decorations at all. Today, I returned with a friend for some night photography as the place had been decorated in celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Red lanterns, called hong denglong in Chinese, are used to adorn gates, streets and anywhere you can hang one up during festivals and any happy occasions in China. They are symbols of brightness, happiness and reunion. They are believed to warn away evil spirits while brightening the mood with the red glow of good luck.
May the red lanterns bring you warmth, happiness, hope and joy for the year ahead!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Go Ahead, Sniff It Out!
Meet Jake - the tall, dark and handsome vizsla that we get the pleasure of having in our company at the office about two days a week. He is currently in the care of my friend and colleague Leanne, until the dog rescue center can find him a good home. He loves people and is such a suck for attention. He used to be a hunting dog, but gave up that career to find a good master who will give him lots of cuddles!
Today, I went with Leanne to take him out for a walk at the park across the street from our office. He is such a great reminder of curiosity and play. In this picture, he was curiously sniffing out my camera!
Let's all be curious like Jake and not be afraid to sniff out the unfamiliar!... even if it's for FOMO! You might just find something wonderful!
*FOMO stands for "Fear of Missing Out"
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Chin Say Gung Hei Fat Choi!
Mr. and Mrs. Chin are a set of salt and pepper grinders I got as a Christmas present one year from my sister... and possibly the most "Chinese" thing in my house at the moment. I was a bit worried about my post today. I wanted something to tie in with the Chinese New Year celebration, but wouldn't have the time to go hunt for the perfect picture to take and put up. So I scoured the house last night to find something I already have, no luck. Then when I woke up this morning, it just came to me - Mr. & Mrs. Chin who live in my sideboard! Time to pull them out for a portrait shoot! Aren't they just darling?!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone! May the Year of the Rabbit be a prosperous, happy and lucky one for you!
Click here to read about your Chinese Horoscope for 2011, Year of the Rabbit
Click here to Find Your Chinese Zodiac Animal
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ticket To My Happy Place
One of my favourite ways to spend my morning hours is having tea and journaling. Over a year ago, I discovered that the smell of jasmine tea had this incredible way of transporting me to my younger days, running around with my cousins at Ama Zamboanga's house. Ama is grandma in Fookien, the Chinese dialect my family speaks. Zamboanga is a city in the southern part of the Philippines, my mom's hometown.
Ama Zamboanga enjoyed having a house full of noisy grandchildren. It was especially noisy in the Summer, when many of us visited. Every once in a while, she would stop us from all our running around for a quick sip of tea. She served hers at room temperature, sweetened with sugar - possibly because that's the only way we would drink it. Then, we would be off again, doing what kids do best - playing!
My Ama Zamboanga passed away when I was about 12 or 13 years old. It was an unexpected lovely surprise when I had my first experience of re-connecting with her after so many years, aboard the Jasmine Tea Express. Now I have an easy way to get to my happy place, I just gotta get my hands on some jasmine tea!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A Call To Inspire
I got home from school less than an hour ago, and as I emptied my jacket pockets... I pulled out this token, which was a gift from the workshop I attended on the weekend. It was fitting that I start my 365 Days of Alchemy with a picture of this "call to inspire."
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