Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ticket To My Happy Place

One of my favourite ways to spend my morning hours is having tea and journaling. Over a year ago, I discovered that the smell of jasmine tea had this incredible way of transporting me to my younger days, running around with my cousins at Ama Zamboanga's house. Ama is grandma in Fookien, the Chinese dialect my family speaks. Zamboanga is a city in the southern part of the Philippines, my mom's hometown.

Ama Zamboanga enjoyed having a house full of noisy grandchildren. It was especially noisy in the Summer, when many of us visited. Every once in a while, she would stop us from all our running around for a quick sip of tea. She served hers at room temperature, sweetened with sugar - possibly because that's the only way we would drink it. Then, we would be off again, doing what kids do best - playing!

My Ama Zamboanga passed away when I was about 12 or 13 years old. It was an unexpected lovely surprise when I had my first experience of re-connecting with her after so many years, aboard the Jasmine Tea Express. Now I have an easy way to get to my happy place, I just gotta get my hands on some jasmine tea!


  1. Oh Jenn - so delighted to find that you are a tea granny, too! And jasmine is one of my favourites! The photo is stunning. Is this one of your teapots?

  2. I am definitely going to like this blog!! Love (love!) the look. Very fresh!

    Thank you.

    Darlene Rosner

  3. Thanks for the follow, ladies!

    Vicki - we should meet for afternoon tea in Ft. Langley one day! And yes, the teapot is mine - a present from Sean's grandma on her first visit to our home after we wed. She asked, "Is there a penny in the pot? If there is, it means you'll have children soon!" Of course, she put a penny in there! =)

    Darlene - thanks for the enthusiasm in your comment... so very encouraged!

  4. The way the light reflects off of the gold on the teapot really captures the eye. Add to that the wonderful story and I found this refreshing and inspiring. Maybe I will pull out my journal too!
