Monday, July 11, 2011

Playing With Light

Despite how tired I was last night, I had a hard time sleeping. However, I still had an early start today with breakfast at 7.30am and the first class starting at 8.30am... and another late night tonight with the class ending at 9.30pm. It must've been adrenaline that carried me through the day.

I have taken a one day workshop with our instructor Scott Robert Lim last Fall, so a lot of the lecture material covered in class today was a review for me. The afternoon however, was the chance to put into practice everything we learned in class and the opportunity to capture some amazing images in the school's chapel. Above is a photograph of one of our models, Kendra, to give you a taste of what we've been playing with!

As much fun as it has been, it's also been a long day. It's time to turn the lights out and get some good rest for another amazing day tomorrow!

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