The word Alchemy points me to the notion of finding beauty in the ordinary and mundane. It is how I photograph - I strive to find the extraordinary, sometimes in unlikely places. In a recent workshop, I learned that my purpose and passion is to play and explore whatever is wonderful and authentic in this life journey, as well as to encourage and inspire others to do the same. Through this blog, I invite you to come along as I play and explore in my Wonderland!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dr. Seuss Breakfast
We haven't seen our friends Thompson and Dana since before Christmas, when Dana was still pregnant with their baby. Today, we're finally able to sort something out of all our busy schedules and meet for brunch... and we're also meeting baby Greta for the first time. Such a sweetheart!
This morning, I let the child in me "play" with my food. I ordered one of the breakfast specials at Acme Cafe in Gastown - Green Eggs & Ham! It was tasty! Oh, and I also had Ovaltine with my brunch... talk about a flashback to my childhood!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Celebrating The Royal Wedding
This morning, as I got ready for work, I watched a bit of Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding. I started kicking myself for not planning this day better. I would've love to celebrate the occasion having afternoon tea at the Fairmont Hotel! Instead, there I was... getting ready for work. The only thing I had to celebrate with was some crumpets with cream and jam for breakfast.
I decided to call the Fairmont, but as I suspected... they were fully booked for their afternoon tea service! I ended up finding a spot open at Shangri-La's afternoon tea service, so quickly called around to see which of my girlfriends could join me. I scurried to get all my work done at the office and got the okay to leave early.
Next thing you know, I was off to meet Nuala for afternoon tea! I can't believe I actually pulled off being able to go!
Lesson of the day - ask for what you want, and go for it with all you've got!
To the newlyweds... May each day add sweetness to your marriage; may your marriage be blessed with much love, joy and happiness!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The World Is Your Oyster
Driving home from the office today... this statue, which I see every day that I drive to and from the office, caught my attention. The universe had a message for me. It had something it wanted me to think about, something it wanted to remind me.
You see yesterday, more specifically at 6:46pm on April 27 Manila time, I became an aunt for the fourth time!
My nephew was actually due over a week ago, but I guess he was too cozy in my sister's belly and just wanted to stay there. I've even suggested that they write him an eviction notice. If they did, it didn't help. He wasn't going anywhere.
The doctor eventually started inducing my sister to labour; but after nine hours, he still wouldn't budge. Finally, the doctor performed a C-Section on my sister to get him out.
Sometimes, it does feel like it would be better to be back in mother's womb... and not have to deal with the misfortunes of life. However, we would also miss out on all the blessings and wonderful experiences that life has to offer.
In contemplating life, I think that it really is a neutral element, although sometimes it hardly feels neutral at all. It is how we perceive life and the decisions we make in reaction to what life brings that determine whether we view life as sweet or hard. Life - we ultimately have the power to make it whatever we want it to be!
Welcome to the world, baby Garrett!!! The world is your oyster, enjoy everything life has to offer!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Strata Woes
Home sweet home. To me, this place is not simply a roof over my head. Hubby and I have invested money, time, energy, emotions and dreams into it and made it something more special. It is our happy place, our refuge, our sacred space... our home.
This afternoon, I rushed home after a brain-draining day at work in order to make it to the annual general meeting of our strata. Welcome to the grown-up life! We are fairly new home owners and this is actually just the second AGM we've attended, yet we've quickly seen how attached people can get to their emotions when making decisions. I can totally empathize. For most people, they are making decisions that affect not only one of their biggest investments, but also a place they call home. However, it would be great to find some kind of functional harmony despite all our differing needs and wants.
I'm not saying, one way or the other, whether it's a good or a bad thing to let emotions play a part in decision-making... it's just something I've noticed. I think sometimes emotions could play an important role in making certain decisions; yet at other times, one would be much better served not letting emotions get in the way. What do you think?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Don't Just Survive...
During my appointment with my chiropractor tonight, I noticed this token on his desk. What an awesome message from the universe!
One of my fears is to live an ordinary life. I don't want to just scrape by... I want to live a full life! Sure, there will be hard times when it will be good to just get by... but for the most part, I would want to be happy, consciously living the life I want to live, experiencing all that the world has to offer.
Play, be creative, be curious, be happy.
Imagine, dream, believe, love.
Live with passion!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Welch At Night
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day of deadlines. So, I stayed late at work to get as much done. This is what Welch St. looks like at 9.30pm - lonely, but pretty in its own way.
Ahh... the thought of home has not been sweeter as I drive home after a long and productive day at the office. And now, I'm off to the land of sweet, sweet dreams after I finish posting this blog.
Good night, everyone!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I got Bubba from a wedding reception I went to just a little under two years ago. A few weeks ago, I discovered that the new water conditioner I got was for beta-only bowls, i.e. no plants... although the bottle says it's ideal for beta and plant - confusing much?! I decided to take out everything in his bowl, but I think he missed the pebbles in the bottom and the plant where he hid behind... he looked depressed =(
In the last few days, he was barely swimming around and wouldn't eat... I thought I was going to lose him. Yesterday, I got him new pebbles, snipped another section from my vine to cozy up his home and decided not to add the water conditioner this time. I'm happy to report he looks much happier and today, he ate all four of his fishy pellets!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Mini Roses in My Garden
Two summers ago, before we moved out of our condo in Burnaby, we built an awesome potted garden on our balcony, which I loved. It was a great space to relax and spend time getting lost in tinkering with my plants.
Last summer, we had too much on the go. With all the health issues I had and still settling into the new place at the time, we didn't have time to work on our patio. However, we decided that this summer is the time!
Yesterday, we finally stopped by a plant nursery and bought some stuff to build our urban oasis with... and this is the cutest addition, I think!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Usual Suspects
What a bunch of grump-grumps! Smile, the sun is out! =P
Spent a sunny Good Friday with my cousin and his family. We started out with brunch at the Yucca Tree Cafe in White Rock, then a stroll by the boardwalk, and ended off our time together with a gelato stop!
Looking forward to the next time we hang out!
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Games night at my cousin's with his family... we decided to play Clue. Two hours later... still clueless!!! Fun times, fun times...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Velvety Goodbye
Another one of the tres amigos is leaving the nest =(
Tomorrow is Amy's official last day, but we had lunch in her honour today to send her off with best wishes and her favourite things - Thai House lunch, red velvet cake which I searched the ends of the earth for, a card crafted by yours truly that took her on a stroll down memory lane, and a pretty plant with the inscription "Inspire" as a parting present reminding her to never forget being a Peaker and keep inspiring those around her.
I hope you know how much I love you, Amers! =) Good luck on your new job, I will miss having you around at the office *tear*
Btw, the cake was YUM!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My Rocket Dogs
Not just a pretty face, so comfy... my favourite companion for walking around downtown!
You bring out the best kid in me... curious, playful, full of wonder in exploring the world around me.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Soul's Best Friend
You listen without judgement, you hold the space for safe divulging of thoughts and feelings. Your pages are a neutral place to sort out what I think and how I feel. And if I am not too busy defending myself or justifying my thoughts and actions... if I shut up for a moment and listen carefully, you almost always offer sacred wisdom. Thank you for being the best friend a soul can have.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Winds Of Change
Today was April artists' date with my arty ladies. We went to Bella Ceramica in West Vancouver and tried our hands at pottery painting. This is my unfinished work of art. It still has to be fired and glazed, so we left our painted pottery pieces at the studio... to be picked up next week. I'm excited to see how it turns out!
It's interesting how I went through a similar process as last month with regards to how I felt about my artwork. I started out with an exciting picture in my head, then as I transfer it onto paper or in today's case, ceramic plate... I immediately started getting discouraged, thinking that it is going to be a major disappointment. But then, I keep working at it and in the end it actually emerges to be something I quite like and can be proud of. Lastly, an artist needs to learn when to stop.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Mahony & Sons
Hubby & I continued celebrating our five year wedding anniversary with a couples massage this morning, then walked around the new convention center in hunt for a place to go for lunch.
We found Mahony & Sons. New pub. Great food. Good beer selection. Awesome view. Hubby had the Irish Stew with his Hefeweizen, I had Jumbo Prawns & Garlic Focaccia with my pineapple juice.
Definitely a spot that hit the spot!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Portrait Of A Married Couple
We eat, we go for walks. We play volleyball, we throw the frisbee around. We bicker, we yell, we fight... we take a break, we apologize, we kiss and make up.
We go to the movies just before the Oscars, we sit and watch tv on our couch. We host parties, you go all out for Halloween.
We go on trips and see the world. I take pictures for souvenir, you collect shot glasses. You drink beer, I drink coffee. I make you dinner, you make me breakfast. In a food court, I'll get something Asian, and you'll go to Subway or Quiznos.
We get silly and goofy, we make each other laugh. We get stubborn and annoying, we make each other mad.
We did these and more for the last 5 years... and I will do them with you, all over again. Looking forward to many more adventures in the years to come!
Happy Anniversary, Baby!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Where's My Dinner?
I stayed a little late at work today. Then on my way home, I realized that there is not much food at home to make something I'd be in the mood for. So, I decided to stop by a friend's house to say hi and see if he would come grab dinner with me as well as hunt for my photo of the day.
As I got out of my car and walked to his building, I decided that it was too cold to walk around hunting for a photo. Also, it turns out that he's already had dinner... bummer! I stayed a little while to chat and catch up... but then when I eventually left, I was still hungry... with no idea what I was going to do about dinner.
Does anybody else get panicky when they know they're just a few minutes away from being cranky because they're hungry?!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
If You Can't Beat 'Em...
Join 'em!
If you know my husband, you know that he's a HUGE sports fan. I don't just become a hockey playoffs widow, I am a sports widow... ALL YEAR ROUND! He watches the NFL, NHL, golf, college basketball, Nascar, poker, baseball, yada yada yada - no joke!
It is true he watches a lot of sports, but I was kidding about being a sports widow. Hubby does go for walks with me, and spends enough time with me that I don't find myself complaining about it most of the time. This year however, I figured I would join the hockey pool at work. Perhaps it'll help me see his world a little more... and I'm looking forward to the experience of possibly sharing in one of his great loves, even if for just a little bit.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Train Has Left The Station
Contemplating on a quote by Gilbert Keith Chesteron (1874-1936), a British journalist, novelist and poet, that goes like this... "The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before."
Most of us had missed opportunities... and in my opinion, there is no use dwelling in the negative. After allowing for a short moment to grieve, the wise thing to do would be to look ahead and see what opportunities are available now, what the best course of action would be now. You might be missing yet another opportunity while lamenting over spilled milk.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Horsie Says "Woof"?
I know Yaletown is like "dogtown," but c'mon, have we forgotten how to tell a horse apart from a dog? Way to confuse the kids who play in this playground. Giddyup! - Kramer-style!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Look At Me!
During our walk on this rainy Sunday night, something caught my attention. A street lamp shines on some of the branches of a magnolia tree, showcasing their blooms... as if calling out "look at me!"
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Mighty Fraser
On our way back to Vancouver from visiting some friends and family in Surrey, I took this photo from the Port Mann bridge. A view I don't often get to see; another reminder of the countless beauty that surrounds me and how lucky I am to have this as part of my backyard!
Friday, April 8, 2011
SHHH! Bingo Is Serious Business!
Our friend Jason turned 33 yesterday. To celebrate him "getting older," we went and played bingo. I haven't played in a long time... and I've actually never played in a bingo hall before, with a dabber. I was excited, and so were a lot of his birthday party guests.
We thought, this would be a chill night having some fun with bingo. Who knew it would be so intense?! At first, we were lost in all the different "games" being played. Then when we got started, we quickly realized how much concentration is required to play these games. Soon, we were shushing anybody that made a sound!
It was a lot of fun, esp. since hubby won $20! I think there will be more bingo in our near future! Who wants to come?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Three Peas In A Pod
Almost three years ago, Amy and Stephen started work at my office within a week of each other. I didn't like Stephen very much at first, but life had a different fate for us. The three of us became best friends and lunch buddies at work in a short amount of time.
Tomorrow is going to be a hard day... Stephen will say goodbye to go on his own adventure in a different playground. I will miss seeing him, having lunch with him, going for walks with him, having him around for me to ask questions whenever I can't figure something out, having his brilliance in making my work life easier, listening to him sing along to the radio when he thinks nobody can hear him (my favourite was Shania Twain's I Feel Like A Woman)... and yes, even times when I bicker back and forth with him.
His last day is tomorrow, but I'm writing about this today... because Amy has tomorrow off to study for an exam on Saturday. So, today is essentially the last day the 3 musketeers are together in the same sandbox. Below is a picture of us from today, taken by Harvey.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Happy 125th Bday Vancouver!
Today, the best city in the world celebrates its 125th birthday. I have been tired after work to do much lately; but today, I was excited to join in on the festivities at Jack Poole Plaza. So, after dinner, with my camera in tow... Sean and I made the trek on foot from Yaletown to the waterfront - it is quite a walk. We left around 7.15 and didn't get home till 10pm... on our feet the entire time!
There were bands playing, crazy soccer exhibitions, food carts of all flavours - a pizza cart, a dimsum cart, an Indian cart, a Mexican cart, and Mr. Tube Steak... if only I had known, we would've had dinner down there! There was even a giant birthday cake made with over 800 eggs by the culinary students at Vancouver Community College that was being served to everyone for dessert! Unfortunately, the line-up was too long, so we didn't get to try it.
On our way home, we walked by this street art, all in chalk... pretty amazing that it looks 3D in my picture! Thank you... whoever you are, for sharing your talent!
Apparently, there will be mini celebrations all year long! I'm looking forward to seeing Vancouverites having more fun out on the streets! Let's revive the open happiness that started during the Olympics!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sushi To Snoozy
Today was not a good day at the office. I was working on some stuff that sent my head spinning, and ended up with a migraine for the last few hours at work.
Sean was off from work today, so on my way home I phoned to ask if he was making dinner. He said he had something cooking, but it involved ground beef and pasta. Immediately, I knew it wasn't what I was in the mood for.
I stopped to get sushi on the way home. Although it hit the spot... I still have my migraine, almost three hours after I have arrived home. I think that now, I'll have a glass of water and head to bed, hoping that the migraine won't be there when I wake up.
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Dark Side Is Calling
I can appreciate chocolate, but I've never been that woman that just loves it... I eat it when I get it, and I can stretch a box for months! I rarely would feel the need to buy myself any. Today, I did.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
There's Always Room For Jello!
Today, I was craving crispy chow mein, so we ordered Chinese for dinner. When we opened the bags of food, I discovered something I didn't order - they gave us jello for dessert! I haven't had jello for the longest time... it was a welcomed surprise! I wonder what flavour it is... I am wishing for strawberry.
I am off to practice being a kid and play with my food... did I tell you I love how jellos jiggle? Anytime I get to play, I am transported to a mental happy place!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Be A Kid
Have a BIG chocolate chip cookie!!!
Do adults not have big chocolate chip cookies? If so, why not? Do we feel greedy for having such a big piece? Do we feel frivolous and irresponsible? Inconsiderate of others maybe? Or perhaps we don't feel deserving? I know I have had at least one or a number of different combinations of these thoughts at one point or another that keeps me away from that big cookie...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tonight, hubby and I are hosting our friend, Cathy, who's come to visit us from her romantic and fairytale-like village of Clayburn. She came with a bouquet of vibrant tulips in her arms... and they are the perfect hostess gift!
I read somewhere on a website that because they are not too elegant, nor too romantic, too big, nor too small, too plain, nor too bright; the tulip is always just right. They are like a favourite pair of jeans or mom's fresh-baked cookies in that the messages that tulips convey are ones of genuine coziness and comfort... in all of the right ways.
Thanks, Cathy!
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