Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Strata Woes

Home sweet home. To me, this place is not simply a roof over my head. Hubby and I have invested money, time, energy, emotions and dreams into it and made it something more special. It is our happy place, our refuge, our sacred space... our home.

This afternoon, I rushed home after a brain-draining day at work in order to make it to the annual general meeting of our strata. Welcome to the grown-up life! We are fairly new home owners and this is actually just the second AGM we've attended, yet we've quickly seen how attached people can get to their emotions when making decisions. I can totally empathize. For most people, they are making decisions that affect not only one of their biggest investments, but also a place they call home. However, it would be great to find some kind of functional harmony despite all our differing needs and wants.

I'm not saying, one way or the other, whether it's a good or a bad thing to let emotions play a part in decision-making... it's just something I've noticed. I think sometimes emotions could play an important role in making certain decisions; yet at other times, one would be much better served not letting emotions get in the way. What do you think?


  1. When it comes to working through issues with large groups of people, emotions become very counter-productive. The more you express the more awkward it will be when you see these people in the hall or in the elevator. But, people use their emotions to tilt things in their favor as a form of bullying. Especially when you want something that reason doesn't justify and you use emotion to push others to acquiesce.

  2. LOVE the phrase "functional harmony". I will be using it!

  3. @thinkingcrowd - sorry this response is a lot late! I agree with you when you say, "The more you express the more awkward it will be when you see these people in the hall or in the elevator." However, it also defeats the purpose of having these meetings if nobody expresses their thoughts and feelings either. I think the key is to find a balance, where you are free to express... yet respect the opinions and feelings of other people in the room as well. Easier said than done, I know.

    @Vicki - use away! =)
