Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Greta!

Today's party is for Greta's first birthday. I can't believe she's already one!

We were the first guests, which is quite an accomplishment with a baby. but it's because we thought the party was half an hour before it really was! We did try really hard to be on time for when we thought it would be. Getting there early actually worked out perfectly, since Maddi needed to feed.

This was our first kids party with Maddi. The house was nice and quiet when we first arrived. Greta just woke up from her nap, and Maddi was feeding. In about 20 minutes or so... the house very quickly transformed into a busy place with kids. There must've been upto 15 kids in their living room at one point.

In this photo, Greta is giving Maddi a hug. So cute... Happy Birthday, Greta!

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