Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pink Fuzzy Bear

Started today with an adjustment from Dr. Sukhi, then stopped by the Park Royal mall to pick up a pair of pants I left to be hemmed a long time ago and almost forgot about at Lululemon. Motherhood is right next door, so of course I strolled in for a quick look. A quick look turned into an hour, and included a feed and a change for Maddi. I love how they have a big bathroom right in the store and they let you breastfeed in their fitting rooms!

Later that night, Sean and I walked up to Anne and Henry's. I wanted to see how Maddi would do in the Moby while we're out and about since I've only used it at home and any time I've had her in there, she was sleeping. We took the stroller with us, just in case she didn't do well in the Moby while in transit.

Anne made dinner, salad and pasta with seafood cream sauce - so yummy! Thanks, Anne! Maddi is loved by her Auntie Anne and Uncle Henry... I always enjoy watching Henry play with Maddi - so cute. =)

Since Maddi did so well on the walk to Anne & Henry's, we decided to walk home with her in the Moby as well. In this photo is Maddi and I all suited up to make the 20 minute trek home.

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