Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Is In The Air

In an effort to help things along with coaxing Maddi to come out, I decided to go for a walk tonight. I met up with Anne halfway from our houses and went along Granville Street when we saw this store.

I can't believe Halloween is almost here. It is Sean's favourite holiday. Unfortunately, this year we won't be hosting a party.

Halloween has always been an event that is stressful and exciting at the same time for me. I'm usually stressed until I figure out a cool costume to wear, then I get really excited.

I think my favourite Halloween costume of all time was when I dressed up as Juno a few years back. It was such a good costume, I got congratulations on Facebook for being pregnant. Then months, maybe even a year later, I had one of the tellers at the bank I used to frequent ask how my baby was doing!

It would've been funny to be Juno again this year, with a real belly. Although it actually won't be so funny, because it would mean that I'd be two weeks past my "due date."

This year, I WILL have a baby come Halloween!

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