Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today, I got a visit from Sue and baby Ethan for a few hours. After they left, I walked to Urban Fare to pick something up. On my way there, I felt compelled to walk into saf & benjamin, the new-ish baby store that opened up. Sommer, the wonderful woman that owns it happens to be tending the store. I don't even remember how the conversation started, but somehow we got talking about me wanting to start my photography business while I'm on maternity leave. She didn't cheap out on the support, encouragement and resource/advice for me to go for it... and even welcomed me to stop in anytime to say hello or if I had any questions.

Yesterday, I met with Ashleigh Wells, today I have this encounter with Sommer. I am super impressed with how these women are so generous and how willing they are to encourage and help another woman who is venturing to start her own business. They're not the only ones, either and it's not just women. I've been very blessed to meet a few good people that have blown me away with just how willing they are to help.

After the slew of replays on the media of Steve Job's speeches, plus this serendipitous connection today... I was compelled to do something. So, I went online and submitted a name approval request. When I get the approval in a few days, I'll register the business and get a GST/HST number. I realize I don't need to register until I'm making $30K a year, but registering just makes it more real in my head. It makes everything more professional, more legitimate and therefore requires more commitment on my part - no more one foot out. As my brother said, I need to go all out and give it my best shot.

I'm excited, and I'm so proud of myself for acting while inspired to be courageous and follow my heart... when it's so easy to simply wish and hope.

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