Saturday, September 17, 2011

Snow Woman

So here's a picture of me with my new hair colour, thanks to Jeffrey of Is. Salon. Although I keep thinking a purple streak down on one side of that triangle of red would look even more rad!

I'm at 35 weeks and 6 days today, and another busy day as I count down to Maddi's arrival. We went to pick up our crib mattress today, then I met up with Amy to run some errands for our dear friend Nat's bridal shower next Sunday. We walked a lot, and got a lot done. It was awesome that my feet didn't start hurting until Amy's did, too. I remember being super frustrated during that small stretch of time a few months ago when it seemed I could hardly walk without a part of my body hurting after just a few minutes.

Tonight, as I got ready for a good night's sleep after a productive day, I asked Sean for help climbing onto bed... he called me a rolly, polly snowman. My belly does look VERY round, like a snowman. =P

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